Friday, June 17, 2005

Well, the bacon was worth it

Today was my weigh in and I am impressed considering my weekend bacon orgy: +0.2

It could have been a lot worse espeically considering that I refused to Walk Away the Pounds for two days in a row (Wednesday and Thursday). I was also impressed that, as I went to get some water after weigh in, I passed up not only a delicious looking breakfast sandwhich but some muffins, scones, and such. I planned on D'Angelo's for lunch, but I planned for it.

Our meeting topic was being assertive, asking for what you need to help you attain your goals. Well, its all well and good, but I live alone and all those close to me live elsewhere. I have to think of how to be more assertive, any reader please share any ideas on how I can more assertive when I live alone and have no real close friends around me.

I have a new Weight Watchers goal, a new reason to stick to loosing the weight - I think I would love to be a meeting leader! I thought about how cool it would be to share what I have learned to a live audience, to provide support. I think it would be a great job. I need to create an official list of goals and reasons why I want to loose the weight.

Also, my swimming stuff has arrived from home! My parents sent me my bathing cap, goggles, sun screen, and a now dead watch (waterproof for the swimming). Now I need to take my money over to the gym and get to swimming!

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