Thursday, June 16, 2005

I Dont Eat at McD's

Between the movie Supersize Me and the book Fast Food Nation I have stopped eating at McDonalds. It has been almost a year since I indulged and the date I am basing it on was a "I need something to eat" moment where McDs was my only option. Before that date it had been 6 months since I had eated McDs. I simply refuse because of what I have learned about the way they treat animals, their employees, and their customers.
Now McDs has been the main focus because they are the easiest target, but my real goal is to give up ALL fast food some day. My count of the other poplular local resaurants:
-BK is 6 months (I had a whopper craving 6 months ago)
-Wendy's is about 3 weeks because I LOVE their manderin chicken salads
-Subway is a week because I enjoy a good veggie sub (and nothing else- I use to work there)

Other than that I am doing pretty well.
Today I saw an article about a new movie where a woman looses 18 lbs by eating nothing but McD's for a month. Now I am sure this is possible, but how likely is it? This is what I know:
- They have altered their menu to include healthier options
- They never forced anyone to supersize a meal
- They do offer a variety of sizes to allow you to control your portions.
- You exercise you can counter-act those calories you ate there

Here's what I know about me and many other people:
- Exercise is a luxury for some people or at least they think it is
- We seem to eat fast thereby not allowing our mind to register that we are full before we have stuffed out faces. As a result we eat more and feel worse after
- Back to exercise, people see it as a chore and are less likely to do it

Morgan Spurlock was just as right as Soso Whaley (creator of Me & Mickey D). Spurlock shows us what most people seem to be doing at McDs while Whaley is showing us what we can do with McDs. Yes, you can eat at McDonalds and not destroy yourself, but what I want to know is the reality of both arguements because I still feel that Spurlock was right.

Speaking of Morgan Spurlock, has anyone seen his new show 30 Days? I watched the first episode last night and loved it. It made me look around my apartment and realize the excess I live in. I think between my need for things and my need for food says a lot about me and my immaturity. I think its time for me to grow up and prove to myself that I am not a spoiled, fat brat.

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