Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Khaki Cropped Pants and Bras

Here is what I have noticed about my body - my first actual fat lose comes from my boobs, but it's short lived. I am only 5 lbs into my loss, but my boobs are already a tad bit smaller. I wish they would go away and take some of their butt fat friends with them. A year.5 ago when I first went on Weight Watchers the same thing happened. My lower half was second to start loosing and last was my stomach. This time I am being more proactive about my stomach thanks to my "100 sit ups" goal (now at a shockingly early 40).
Yesterday I came home from work full of energy. I did the 2 mile walk and didn't break a sweat even though I put more effort into it. I then did the situps with ease. Then I tried on clothes because I wondered if my tummy-control-panties made a difference. They do, but not in a way that makes me happy. I have these brand new pair of Khaki Cropped Pants that I bought for work and encouragement. They are a light linen and are perfect for hot fun in the summertime (tm Sly Stone). I have been paitent about fitting into them, its all in my rear end and stomach. There is no elastic in the waist band so they either fit or they don't. Well, with the tummy control panties they fit, but with a massive pantyline. It will be a no win situation until some but fat disappears or my stomach goes down a bit more.

Also, while i love the No Pudge brownies with the same passion I love all brownies, I am not too keen on the raspberry flavoring. This makes me sad because I love raspberry and brownies so I thought they would be heavenly.

Anyway, I am off to lunch - I am starving and have tuna.

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