Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Jolly Time Minis

My new favorite snack is Jolly Time Healthy Pop Minis.
Microwave popcorn is one of my favorite salty snacks. First, I like the butter already on them because air popped butter makes the corn all soggy. Second, it doesn't take as long as air popped. Third, the servings are all measured out for me.
These mini bags make popcorn even better because they are one simple serving - no measuring cups no intense math - just simple point counting.
There is 9 grams of fiber in each bag - thats a whole lotta fiber! As I understand it, Weight Watchers desires that I don't count more than 4 grams through. I did the math for both the 4 and the 9 grams. Based on 4 grams of fiber, it is one point for the entire bag. Basedon on the 9 grams of fiber, it is ZERO points! Well, it's more like .366666 of a point, but even half a point is good!
Plus the bag is the perfect size snack. I can eat a whole bag, feel satisfied, and cure salt cravings.
My word of advice on popping said bag- no more than 1 min and 45 seconds. I didn't think about it, set my microwave's popcorn setting, and a week later I still smell it and am washing it out of my microwave.

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