Friday, May 27, 2005

A New Weight Watchers Meeting

I now have Fridays off at work. This will only be for the summer, but as a result I have opted to switch WW meetings to a Friday morning. Previously I have been to afternoon meetings; thats 2 meals and snacks into my day. It was no surprise to me that I took off, but I was happy to see that it was 3 lbs. Like a good Weight Watcher, I stayed for the meeting. I have to admit that the people at the meetings seem to blend into each other. Only two women caught my attention because they were the meeting talkers. Every meeting has one, a person who always has a comment, has to agree loudly, gets off topic easily, etc. When I get comfortable I can come close to being one of these people, but so far I have been silent unless the leader asks me to speak. So woman one is 81 and wanted to let us know that she was so glad to see younger people here trying to change their lives. Why was she called on? I have no clue anymore. Woman two, the real talker, even interupted herself with questions. First it was a question about an insurance company that gives coupons for WW; she wanted to know if they were accepted here. Second, it was how she had destroyed her book from the first meeting. She just never stopped talking and when she wasn't, you could see her desire to add something to the current conversation.
The leader of this meeting was a sub, the normal leader being on vacation. I liked her more than I have liked others at this location. She included people, allowed people to make comments, but did not allow others to dominate it. She began the meeting by discussing what we wanted to discuss. I liked that she was honest about eating, she said that we can reward ourselves with food every so often. What I didn't care for was that she was on the program to loose 25 lbs (granted it was 30 years ago that she did this). I felt I wanted to question her ability to support me. She made up for that with her comfort and for that fact that she has been leading meetings for year.
The main topic of conversation was summer BBQ eating. She made a few suggestions: bring something you like and can eat, plan ahead, etc. She let us know about Frenches Gormayo (I picked up the dijon flavor for some chicken salad I think I am going to make. While I was at the grocery store I FINALLY found No Pudge brownies! I picked up both mint and raspberry flavored to make in the VERY near future.

Goal for the week: To do better with the journaling, specifically - not forget it at work.
Also, I have a trip to NYC next week so I must plan!

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