Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Best Intentions

I had the best intentions of going to the meetings and sticking to the program after I signed up for Weight Watchers again. I have been very bad for the past two weeks. It has been a lack of desire to say no to myself. I decided to crack down on myself this week and I went out and bought all my lunches ahead of time and left them at work so I only have to pull one our to have lunch. I purchased snacks to keep at work - sweets that are not horrible for me. I also started taking the stairs again. I keep forgetting my pedometer, but I am working on it. When it warms up again I am back in the water and swimming or I will be riding the bikes. I am going to buy myself a bike with my tax refund so I can bike around. I am going to stick to the plan this time and take this seriously.
Meanwhile, rumor has it that there is finally a decent low-fat brownie mix out there and it's by Betty Crocker. Anyone out there know about it?


Barb said...

We have all crashed and burned once in a while (I have numerous times!). Just get right back in the saddle and start again. You can do it!

diet dilemma magmem style said...

Hi, Hooray, you got the boost you need to continue towards your goal. Nothing beats a support group when you just don"t feel like it! Don't ever give up. We've all been there, done that. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Just pick yourself up and get up on that saddle as they said. I been trying to stick to my plan and some days are better than others but one thing for sure I won't give up.

Anonymous said...

Make it a point to walk or cycle short distances instead of driving, and you're sure to lose weight.

Long Term Food Storage said...

You can lose weight if you commit yourself to walk short distances instead of driving