Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm Back

It's been a good 6 months or more, but I am back on program and going to meetings. It's not a new years thing, its a new raise thing. It's amazing what some money in the wallet will motivate me to do... well other than go shopping.

What has been happening? I have managed to maintain weight. I stood on my scale this morning to get an idea of where I was and it seems that I may have gained a pound or 2 the past 6 months. I am impressed it wasn't more like 10 -15 lbs.

As I said, I got a raise at work which is a significant one. It was suppose to come through over the summer, but since it was almost a year ago I get paid retroactively and got a nice bonus with this last pay check. It's allowing me to pay ahead for my meetings and giving me one less excuse to not make Weight Watchers meeting.

For the holidays I got a Palm Pilot as a gift and someone gave me the Weight Watcher journal software so I have been playing with keeping track with it. I have to jounal on paper for a while just to make sure I keep up.

I have stopped swimming, but it's winter. I did go to Miami in early fall last year and I am still in decent shape for swimming. I plan on picking it up again as soon as it warms up. I haven't started doing anything else though. I did pick up my pedometer the other day so I have been counting steps this week. I am going to try and just make sure I walk the required number of steps a day.

I am no longer working at the gas station. I won't need to do it again this year. It had made me really good about cutting donuts out of my diet.

Anyway, I am off to my first Weight Watchers meeting since July. WIsh me luck!

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