BACON! I am a bacon freak - I claim my passion for bacon. I love real bacon and I love turkey bacon. I prefer it cooked in a skillet filled with its own fat, but I will eat it microwaved. I detest processed, fake bacon bits, but I love real ones that are in surprisingly large bits. I love the fat, I love the meat, I love it all. I prefer a smoked bacon, mostly a maple smoked bacon. I can't stand overly fatty bacon. I never eat bacon because of this deep love for it.
My freshman year at college my roommate was a millitant dieter. She had lost over 100lbs herself and gave up all red meat as a result. She loved Snackwells (I recall that was the year they came on the market) with the same passion I have for bacon. Well, except that she use to keep boxes of cookies in her bed while I have never taken bacon to that place. The point is that she was fascinated with how food controls us through memory. We eat things for specific memory triggers. If this is true then my bacon love is a combination of denial and some other weird emotions. First, I am Jewish and while we were not kosher keepers, my mother did not care for pork products. This rule went out the window when it came to breakfast. Sausage and bacon were key parts of breakfast. We rarely ate them in the house simply because we weren't big on breakfast at the house, but when we ate out it was no hold barred. So there is the forbiden fruit element - I love it because I shouldn't. THe other weird emotion comes in from family camping trips. They were not my favorite family vacation, but breakfast ALWAYS included bacon, which is interesting since we were all Jews. Regardless, bacon reminds me of camping and despite my unhappiness at having been camping, I seem to enjoy the memories.
Today when I am comfronted with bacon my primal desires kick the crap out of any rational mind and I tend to overdo myself. For example, Sunday my book club met for brunch at a local restaurant. I reaffirmed my love for bacon by having more than a few strips. I also indulged in bisciuts and gravy (mmmm with the sausage bits), a cookie, an omlet (that I didnt finish), some fruit, potatoes, etc. I was proud that I didn't finish the omlette and that I included fruit (yummy summer fruits on the buffet). Normally I would have had the french toast, all of the omlette and much more bacon. I did well the rest of the day as well considering the size of my breakfast - snacks rather than lunch and a bagel for dinner. I just wasn't hungry. Also, the excessive heat over the weekend tends to make me more thirsty than hungry.
Today I also did poorly as I was too lazy to make myself dinner before I left for work (its a late night for me). I ordered in a sub and got steak and cheese rather than something a bit better for me. So I have decided that I am going to start the week over tomorrow... er tonight.
Step 1: have mom send me my swimming gear
Step 2: walk away the lbs tonight - even if its just 15 min mile.
Step 3: now that I have $37.50 for the gym membership I will join and go swim
I am climbing my sit up ladder. I can now do 35 mindnumbing sit ups. I look forward to the day when 35 will seem like nothing and 50 will make my ab(s) explode. There has to be some muscle growing because rather than one blog of stomach I now see some sort of tent like ab when I do my sit ups.
Tomorrow I will update you on my snacking at work saga - things are looking good thanks to some new options.
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