Monday, June 20, 2005

A harsh realization

I came to a very harsh realization today- an epiphany if you will. After my swim, before work, I realized that like with everything I have done in my life, I have to put my focus on loosing weight. I have to put my educational goals on serious hold because for the past 10 years I have used my focus on education as yet another excuse to not loose weight and take chances. I can't date, I have to write a thesis. I can't loose weight, work and school keep me too busy. I have the rest of my life for education, but if I don't loose weight and take chances with life it won't be a life worth dedicating to education.
So, out comes the goal list. I specialize at making lists; love it with a passion. So, here is another list for me:

Weight loss and health:
By July 11th:
- Be down 5lbs
- Be able to do 100 sit ups
- Be able to swim a 1/2 hour without gasping for air
- Be able to resist urge to gorge on donuts at work (theoretically, quit second job to avoid total temptation)
- Be able to do 2 mile walk 3xs a week

Taking chances:
By July 11th:
- seriously sign up for 2 online dating places with picture posted

Other than that I don't know yet, but I have less than a month so I must get to work.


Anonymous said...

Hi sara!
Thanks so much for your posts - it's great reading that someone else is going thru what i'm giong thru on a daily basis.

You're posts are great and honest. I really like popping in each morning to see what yr comments are.
Cheers Suze (in Australia).

Soul Searching said...

I like making lists, too. My problem is I forget about them once they're done, which is kinda pointless.

Keep going!! It always feels so good to be working out again!!

Zeppelinlady said...

Hello. I too am battling with weight issues and I agree with you. In order to lose weight you must first find your motivation, and remained focused. Setting a list of goals is definately a plus as well. However; in my past experience I've found that it really helps to make small goals.(as opposed to large ones) I also try to take one step at a time rather than many. I'm not knocking ya though. You've gotta do what works for you. Thanks for sharing such an insigtful blog and Good Luck to you!

kimmyk said...

Good luck with your weight loss goals. I've bookmarked ya to come back and check in on ya.....It seems as though you have your mind set on it-I'm sure you'll lose your goal of 5 pounds in the next few weeks. Good luck to you again!