Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Best Intentions

I had the best intentions of going to the meetings and sticking to the program after I signed up for Weight Watchers again. I have been very bad for the past two weeks. It has been a lack of desire to say no to myself. I decided to crack down on myself this week and I went out and bought all my lunches ahead of time and left them at work so I only have to pull one our to have lunch. I purchased snacks to keep at work - sweets that are not horrible for me. I also started taking the stairs again. I keep forgetting my pedometer, but I am working on it. When it warms up again I am back in the water and swimming or I will be riding the bikes. I am going to buy myself a bike with my tax refund so I can bike around. I am going to stick to the plan this time and take this seriously.
Meanwhile, rumor has it that there is finally a decent low-fat brownie mix out there and it's by Betty Crocker. Anyone out there know about it?

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Great Brownie Hunt

One of my biggest weight loss struggles is finding junk food that will allow me to enjoy the food I love, but also prevent me from eating all my Weight Watcher Points in one bite. The leading issue is finding an enjoyable brownie recipe. Nothing is as delicious as a box-mix brownie. I grew up on them and their perfection. From the crispy outer edges to the still gooey middle. I have to stop now and drool over the mere thought of one.

I will now share with you what I call the Great Brownie Hunt. I need to find a better way to make the brownies I love. Something that will be better for me than the oil and egg concoction that helped make me what I am today (120 lbs over weight). Please feel free to share your experiences with the recipe's I mention or to suggest your own. I wish I could let you all taste what I make, but some of these I would not wish on my mother and she has been the one to give me many of these.

For starters, one she gave me I call the diet coke brownie. I was never able to get use to the taste of diet soda. I can't even drink diet Dr. Pepper without cringing a bit. Nothing tastes the same as the original recipe syrup or any soda. Also, most diet soda leave rancid aftertastes sitting in my mouth. So, when she gave me this recipe I hesitated to try it out of fear that this taste would be in my beloved brownie. Eventually, desperate for a healtier brownie, I caved in and made the recipe.

Here it is:
- Take one box of brownie mix (preferably just traditional brownie mix without nuts or caramel or anything like that)
- 2 bottle of diet coke (20 oz bottle, not a can or 2 liter bottle)
Mix the two together slowly as there will be fizz and brownie mix everywhere.
When they are mix together, take a miffin tin and 1/2 fill each cup.
Bake for about 20 minutes at 350.
What you will get is a pudding like substance on the bottom and a fluffy fizzed out substance on the top.

At first this may seem great. I ate two before I realized that they were beyond messy and did not firm up like normal brownies do. After that they just sat there and got moldy. Everyone who saw them gave them the same look they give mystery freezer items. It was a sad existance for those brownies.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm Back

It's been a good 6 months or more, but I am back on program and going to meetings. It's not a new years thing, its a new raise thing. It's amazing what some money in the wallet will motivate me to do... well other than go shopping.

What has been happening? I have managed to maintain weight. I stood on my scale this morning to get an idea of where I was and it seems that I may have gained a pound or 2 the past 6 months. I am impressed it wasn't more like 10 -15 lbs.

As I said, I got a raise at work which is a significant one. It was suppose to come through over the summer, but since it was almost a year ago I get paid retroactively and got a nice bonus with this last pay check. It's allowing me to pay ahead for my meetings and giving me one less excuse to not make Weight Watchers meeting.

For the holidays I got a Palm Pilot as a gift and someone gave me the Weight Watcher journal software so I have been playing with keeping track with it. I have to jounal on paper for a while just to make sure I keep up.

I have stopped swimming, but it's winter. I did go to Miami in early fall last year and I am still in decent shape for swimming. I plan on picking it up again as soon as it warms up. I haven't started doing anything else though. I did pick up my pedometer the other day so I have been counting steps this week. I am going to try and just make sure I walk the required number of steps a day.

I am no longer working at the gas station. I won't need to do it again this year. It had made me really good about cutting donuts out of my diet.

Anyway, I am off to my first Weight Watchers meeting since July. WIsh me luck!